Fake Art



M-Street tire la carte écologique à tous les niveaux avec sa façade verte, ses pompes à chaleur, ses panneaux solaires et ses produits verts



M-Street n'a pas de personnel de réception et est entièrement automatisé


Départ tardif

Grâce à notre départ tardif, vous pouvez profiter pleinement de la merveilleuse vie nocturne que Louvain a à offrir


Ambiance animée

M-Street est situé juste au-dessus du célèbre café De Libertad, au milieu de la rue des restaurants de Louvain



Nos chambres ont des sols en liège; un choix durable pour lequel aucun arbre n'est abattu

FAKE ART - Geert Jan Jansen

It will come as no surprise that there are several works of the artist in this room in all major museums in the world… And yet you may not know him: Geert Jan Jansen, the Dutch master forger of the 20th century.

His life reads like an exciting thriller and the theatrical play about his life 'True Copy' was performed in various European countries, including Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Great Britain.

It is during the performance of this play in Leuven on 21 February 2019 that the work from this room was obtained during a fun public sale in the Leuven City Theater.

That evening it became very clear to the spectators that Geert Jan Jansen also had his moments of creative satisfaction as a master forger. After all, the famous Cobra artist Karel Appel once labeled a gouache of children playing in the snow in an Amsterdam gallery as his own work, which he made in the cold winter of the early 1950s.

But, Jansen knows, this 'Apple' came from Edam at the beginning of the eighties, and came from the hand of Jansen himself. 'That was nice, yes' he told the Dutch National Newspaper in 1994.

And that brings us irrevocably to the question: 'What is art?'
Is it all about the name on the painting or is it the emotional connection that is more important?

You can now ask yourself: do I prefer this painting, and thus a copy, or the original work by the master himself; or not so much…



La climatisation

Salle de bain privée avec douche pluie

Machine à café et bouilloire



La climatisation

Salle de bain privée avec douche pluie

Machine à café et bouilloire



Mini-bar (vide)

Produits de douche

Fer et planche à repasser

