Front Stage



M-Street tire la carte écologique à tous les niveaux avec sa façade verte, ses pompes à chaleur, ses panneaux solaires et ses produits verts



M-Street n'a pas de personnel de réception et est entièrement automatisé


Départ tardif

Grâce à notre départ tardif, vous pouvez profiter pleinement de la merveilleuse vie nocturne que Louvain a à offrir


Ambiance animée

M-Street est situé juste au-dessus du célèbre café De Libertad, au milieu de la rue des restaurants de Louvain



Nos chambres ont des sols en liège; un choix durable pour lequel aucun arbre n'est abattu

FRONT STAGE - Herman Brood

Herman Brood (1946-2001) has been obsessed with drawing since his early childhood and mainly wanted to become a visual artist. Slowly he developed his own style as a painter, with the use of bright primary colors, which is typical for a color blind person. He uses spray cans, hypodermic needles, felt-tip pens, paint rollers, ordinary paint, brushes and particularly ‘his name’, as can be clearly seen in the art work in this Frontstage Room.

In addition to being a painter, Herman was also an actor, author, pianist and above all the singer of ‘Herman Brood & His Wild Romance’ with which he scored hits such as 'Rock 'n roll junkie', 'Never be Clever', 'I love you like I love myself' and 'Saturday Night'.

As a tribute to this celebrated musician, the group ‘New Romance’ was founded in Belgium by, among others, the well-known Blokken presenter and drummer of De Kreuners Ben Crabbé and singer Ernst Löw.

In 2011, they played a memorable concert with an unleashed Dany Lademacher - Herman Brood's original musical right-hand man - on the 10th anniversary of Brood's death during the 25th Libertad festivities in the bar which is now also your hotel bar.



La climatisation

Salle de bain privée avec douche pluie

Machine à café et bouilloire



La climatisation

Salle de bain privée avec douche pluie

Machine à café et bouilloire



Mini-bar (vide)

Produits de douche

Fer et planche à repasser

