Street Art



M-Street tire la carte écologique à tous les niveaux avec sa façade verte, ses pompes à chaleur, ses panneaux solaires et ses produits verts



M-Street n'a pas de personnel de réception et est entièrement automatisé


Départ tardif

Grâce à notre départ tardif, vous pouvez profiter pleinement de la merveilleuse vie nocturne que Louvain a à offrir


Ambiance animée

M-Street est situé juste au-dessus du célèbre café De Libertad, au milieu de la rue des restaurants de Louvain



Nos chambres ont des sols en liège; un choix durable pour lequel aucun arbre n'est abattu


This room was designed by one of Leuven's greatest Graffiti and Street Art artists; Bisser.

This in 1990 born artist has been drawing all his life and was inspired by ‘The Simpsons’ and the ‘Kid Paddle comic series’.

He started drawing graffiti letters thanks to his brother. He later came into contact with the spray can thanks to a friend, but drawing remained his passion. The French magazine GraffBombz made him to get better and better at letters. He learned a lot from this single magazine, also because he didn't have the money to buy other magazines. His letters became squiggly 3D lines. His first works were still illegal, but a legal graffiti wall in Leuven gave him the opportunity to experiment on walls and large formats.

Gradually he got tired of letters and put his focus more on 3D and abstract drawings.

Just before his final jury of his first year of animation in Ghent, he decided to completely change his style.

He was told by the jury that he had to repeat his year. In Belgium there is a word for doing a school year over again: ‘bissen’. That is how he came up with the name Bisser.

In the meantime, Bisser has grown into an internationally recognized artist. His work can now even be found in New York and Brazil.

Fortunately, Bisser also made a lot of drawings in his hometown and you immediately recognize them by his typical male figures (or a single female now and then) in sober colors. In the Mussenstraat 120 you can find 'the sitting guy', waiting, resting. Who's to say? He hides modestly in the corner.

You can also admire his 'Lying Lady' at the Tervuursevest and his ‘Tumbling figures’ in the Burchtstraat.

Maybe you’re in for an extra search in the Maria Theresiastraat and the Consciencestraat?



La climatisation

Salle de bain privée avec douche pluie

Machine à café et bouilloire



La climatisation

Salle de bain privée avec douche pluie

Machine à café et bouilloire



Mini-bar (vide)

Produits de douche

Fer et planche à repasser

